Saturday, 3 March 2007

Bottled up" rant...

I'm not sure if I mentioned the "Botellon" things that goes on around here, to sum it up, kids buy cheap booze and get drunk in the streets...

I didn't mind much, but it seems to get worse every workend, they recently started to bring snacks, and now they buy PIZZA!
Why do I care? Because they drink in front of my apartment, because there are more and more piles of garbage from these "Big Bottles" each week.....

My keyboard died, so I needed to buy a new one, on the way to the mall, I saw LOTS of more rubbish from the "Bottle" party, even in the subway station!

At the subway station, I saw some kids... cosplaying? Whoa... At first I wondered if they were cosplayers or LARPers, but I would find out later...

Some of you might have forgotten but Madrid got bombed in a subway station some years ago, one year after 9/11, and after that they had signs saying that you couldn't leave your bags unattended and that unattended bags should be reported, yada, yada, bla, bla...

Guess what I saw on my way back? A unattended bag! What did I do? Check it out! Guess what? MORE LEFTOVER TRASH FROM A "BOTTLE" PARTY! X(

I truly believe Spain gets bombed so often by E.T.A. that we no longer give a damn, sure we get outraged if someone dies in the explosion, but we forget easily...

More people arrives, and they didn't give a damn either. If this had happened in the US, I bet the bomb squad would have been there in seconds.... ¬_¬

I'm serious about this bomb stuff! My parents had a terrorist attack right in front of them and they didn't give a damn! My sister had an explosion close to her working place, she was nervous at first, but got over it fast....

In the train station I saw more cosplayers... All dresses as Naruto characters... There must be an anime convention I guess....
I don't think an anime convention is even worth attending to, they just have merch, and not much more....

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